About Job:
1. Who is the Real Lord of Job ?
2. Why was Job suffering ?
3. Does the Lord give and take away ?
4. What is the truth about the Lord's hedge ?
5. What was the problem with Job's friends ?
6. What do I need to do when I feel like Job ?
7. What did Job learn about his relationship with the Lord ?
8. What was Job's outcome and what do we have to look forward to ?
9. Was Job a servant of Christ as described in the servant of Christ book ?
10. Tell me about the Real Lord of Job ?
1. What is the purpose of the 7th day Sabbath ?
2. How was the Lord's day changed ?
3. Why do not people observe the 7th day Sabbath ?
4. How do I observe the Sabbath ?
5. What is the blessing in keeping the Lord's Sabbath ?