Beliefs and Vision
We at Glory to God Ministries believe:
The Bible is the inspired Word of God without error. Jesus Christ is Lord, the Son of God, God come in the flesh.
The Blood of Jesus paid the price to unite us with God. Jesus Christ is risen from the dead.
All mankind is sinful and must repent, believe in Jesus and be water baptized, to have life with God. We are saved by God's grace through faith in Jesus, not by our works.
God would have us to keep ALL of God's commandments. Since we love God, His commandments are not a burden to us.
God wants all of His children filled with the Holy Spirit, speaking in new tongues and operating in the gifts of His Spirit.
God will confirm His Word with supernatural signs and wonders. God desires worship
from His people in spirit and in truth. There is only one true Church (the body of Christ) throughout the world.
It consists of those who confess Jesus Christ as Lord, do His commandments, and are faithful to Jesus to their end.
Tithes and offerings are God's way of supporting His ministries. Satan is a fallen angel
who opposes God's work and people. Satan is defeated.
Jesus Christ is returning to judge the living and dead. All believers will live with God in the new heaven and earth. All unbelievers,
Satan, and devils will burn eternally in a lake of fire prepared by God.
The Vision
I want to share how the vision came to me. In time passed as I was upon a hill ministering to the Lord, praying in tongues, the Spirit of God began to speak to me in a word of prophecy and a
word of wisdom as He was speaking forth. And the Lord told me several things. He told me:
That He would call upon supportive laborers. Some would be givers, some would be pray-ers, some would go out and work with us. These people would come from all over
the place, and God would sort out who would be with us and who would not.
That we would be a "servant to the servants." As He put it, "A minister to the ministers." He was showing how many of God's ministries and ministers do not really have anybody to encourage them.
That is what He was going to call us to do: to work with equipping people for the work of the ministry, to work with people who are already in ministry, encouraging,
correcting, motivating, etc., to work with people coming up in the Body, to help them grow to take the place that God had for them.
That we are to minister to the entire Body of Christ, not just certain segments in this world, but rather, we are to encourage and motivate believers,
enabling groups and people into the fullness of the Spirit to teach and to work. Thus we work with all denominations, we work with all God's people wherever
they may be, sharing with them the love of God and the fullness of the Spirit, teaching people to move in the gifts of the Spirit and the fullness of God's operation.
We are to lift up Jesus, not individual groups, not promote individuals or individual groups or particular denominations or non denominations... but to simply lift up Jesus.
As Jesus has promised, then He will draw men unto Himself.
That we are to be like a hospital. As God moves in power in the ministry, as He sets people free, we see people healed and delivered spiritually, mentally, emotionally,
physically; delivered from the power of Satan. Just like in the Bible, the demons come out. That is why the Spirit of the Lord was upon us (see Luke 4:18 and 19), to mend
the broken hearted, to heal marriages, to draw people to the Lord, to heal their minds and their bodies; and God put that anointing upon us to do that work.
We of Glory to God Ministries desire to simply be faithful to God to do what He has given us to His glory, in His Body. We thank the Lord for His faithful support through you,
encouraging us through your prayers, time, and giving for the furtherance of God's Word.